New Study: Elevating Brand Experience Through Sound

August 23, 2022

Podcast Listener Insights Series Recap

We recently concluded a 3-part webinar series titled Podcast Listener Insights Series. This series surveyed podcast listeners in the U.S. to present updated data around their habits as it relates to podcast consumption, engagement, and purchase propensities. 

The data and insight from this series provides marketers, agencies, and brands with updated insight into how best to leverage podcasts to reach and resonate with their target audiences effectively. 

Part 1: Media Consumption Habits

In part one of the series, we dove into what platforms and devices podcast listeners use most often, and how demographics such as age, gender, household income, and region affect platform and device usage, as well as media consumption, sound preferences, and more.  

Key takeaways:
  • Most podcast listeners listen weekly (39%) or daily (21%)
  • Consumers 18 to 34 were about 26% more likely to use Spotify than other age groups.  
  • Listeners in the Northeast are more likely to use Spotify, and listeners in the West are more likely to use Apple music 

Watch Part 1 Here

Part 2: Podcast Ad Engagement Habits

In part two, we dove a bit deeper into consumption habits of podcast listeners including how listeners are interacting with ads, their skipping behaviors, their views on the intrusiveness of ads, relevancy of ads, & more. 

Key takeaways: 
  • Of those surveyed, 26% of individuals report listening to all of the ads, in their entirety, that they hear in podcasts
  • 31% of listeners will listen to an ad for a few seconds, to see if it’s relevant to them before skipping 
  • Younger listeners are more prone to skip an ad, than older listeners

Watch Part 2 Here

Part 3: Podcast Consumer Purchase Behaviors

In the final part of the series, we took a closer look at the purchase behaviors of podcast listeners. Insights include subscription trends, recall, purchase behaviors by platform, the impact of ad creative on driving purchases, and more. 

Key takeaways: 
  • 20% of podcast listeners said the more often they heard from an advertiser, the more they remember them 
  • 22% of podcast listeners have taken action on interactive ads; with younger podcast listeners being the most likely to act on interactive ads, at 36% for the 18-34 y/o age demographic 
  • Younger demographics are more likely to purchase from a wider variety of industries than older demographics; with household products being the most popular amongst all age groups 

Watch Part 3 Here

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